Premier colloque européen de nahuatl à la mémoire de James Lockhart. Achtohui tlamachtilnechicoliztli ica itlallamiquiliz James Lockhart
Le centre pour le patrimoine culturel et linguistique “Encounters Between the Old and New Worlds” de l’université de Varsovie organise le premier colloque européen de nahuatl à la mémoire de James Lockhart1.
Vendredi 17 novembre, 8:45-18:00
8:45 Inauguration
9:00-10:00 Keynote: John F. Schwaller. The Toxcatl and Panquetzaliztli figurines
Chair: Justyna Olko
10:00-10:15 Coffee break
Room 1 10:15-12:45 Chair: Michel Launey
- Michal Kuzmicki. Allomorphy in Classical Nahuatl: the distribution of the absolutive suffix -tl
- Magnus Pharao Hansen. Nahuatl dialect diversification through contact with Spanish
- Robert Borges. Methodological approaches to the study of five centuries of language change in Nahuatl
- John Sullivan. Morphological strategies for incorporating loanwords in the Nahuatl of Chicontepec, Veracruz
- Elwira Sobkowiak. Lessons to learn from analysis of texts in Nahuatl written by secondary school Students
Room 9 10:15-12:45 Chair: Agnieszka Brylak
- Peter Sorrensen. “Huexotzincayotl “ – the quality of being Huexotzincan
- Tara Malanga. “Maca xicnotlamati noyollo” – Don’t fool my heart – voices of anger and anguish in the ycnocuicatl
- Celso Mendoza. “The words, the breath of the altepetl” – Spanish and Nahua views of Huehuetlatolli, “the ancient speech” in Anales de Juan Bautista
- Caroline Egan. Other oralities: eating and weeping in colonial Nahuatl poetry
- Osiris Sinuhe González Romero. Mexico-Tenochtitlan in precolonial Nahuatl songs
12:45-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Keynote: Michel Launey. Homenaje a la lengua nahuatl
Chair: Magnus Pharao Hansen
15:00-15:15 Coffee break
Room 9 15:15-16:45 Chair: John Sullivan
- Gabriel Kenrick Krüell. Vida y muerte en el mundo náhuatl: una reflexión en torno a las transformaciones ontológicas entre hombres y dioses en los textos nahuas recopilados por fray Bernardino de Sahagún
- Katarzyna Granicka. Christianizing the Nahua Otherworld – terms for heaven and hell in the 1548 Doctrina Christiana
- Eduardo de la Cruz. Miccailhuitl: ce tlaneltoquilli tlen naman
Room 1 15:15-16:45 Chair: Robert Borges
- Anastasia Kalyuta. Personal name as a social sign in Nahua prehispanic society
- Allison Caplan & Jeff Pynes. Queniuhcatic: Nahuatl color naming as an improvisational system
- Abelardo de la Cruz & Martha Mendoza. Ecological morphemes in Nahuatl and P’urhepecha: when the landscape becomes grammar
16:45-17:15 Coffee break
Room 9 17:00-18:00 Chair: John F. Schwaller
- David Tavárez. Nahua humanism, dissent, and indigenous publics in sixteenth-century New Spain
- Mark Lentz & Josh Beatty. Redefining “nahuatlahto” – Nahua and non-Nahua translators in Colonial Mesoamerica and beyonds
- Justyna Olko. Five centuries of Nahua-Spanish contact. Refining the understanding of stages of culture change
- Agnieszka Brylak & Julia Madajczak. Loans in Nahuatl: colonial vs. modern evidence
- Albert Davletshin. Nahuatl hieroglyphic script in the middle years: contact phenomena in texts of the early colonial period
- Szymon Gruda. Understanding the new through the old – parallels between Nahua and European cultural phenomena in the Ayer Vocabulario trilingüe
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
Room 9 13:30-15:00 Chair: Camilla Townsend
- Antje Gunsenheimer. Malintzin’s sisters and brothers: slavery in Aztec society
- Roger Magazine. Decolonizing anthropological approaches to Nahuatl social life through attention to local knowledge
- Benjamin Johnson. Fifty years of local finance in the altepetl of Chiautla ca. 1630-1680
Samedi 18 novembre, 9:00-17:30
9:00-10:00 Keynote: Camilla Townsend. The altepetl under the microscope. Or, how women’s history changes Nahua history
Chair: David Tavárez
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
- Justyna Olko. Five centuries of Nahua-Spanish contact. Refining the understanding of stages of culture change
- Agnieszka Brylak & Julia Madajczak. Loans in Nahuatl: colonial vs. modern evidence
- Albert Davletshin. Nahuatl hieroglyphic script in the middle years: contact phenomena in texts of the early colonial period
- Szymon Gruda. Understanding the new through the old – parallels between Nahua and European cultural phenomena in the Ayer Vocabulario trilingüe
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
Room 9 13:30-15:00 Chair: Camilla Townsend
- Antje Gunsenheimer. Malintzin’s sisters and brothers: slavery in Aztec society
- Roger Magazine. Decolonizing anthropological approaches to Nahuatl social life through attention to local knowledge
- Benjamin Johnson. Fifty years of local finance in the altepetl of Chiautla ca. 1630-1680
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
Room 9 15:20-17:10 Chair: Julia Madajczak
- Jerome Offner & Gordon Whittaker. Complex Glyphic Expression in the Corpus Xolotl
- Jessica Stair. Death, lineage, and the tree in Techialoyan manuscripts
- Javier Eduardo Ramírez López. El Mapa de Cline: una nueva propuesta metodológica de análisis
17:10 Final discussion and closure
Dobra 72
University of Warsaw, Poland
Site du colloque :
- “James Lockhart (historian)”, In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Disponible en ligne, url : <>. [↩]
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (14 novembre 2017). Premier colloque européen de nahuatl à la mémoire de James Lockhart. Achtohui tlamachtilnechicoliztli ica itlallamiquiliz James Lockhart. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse