Parution : Sun Ston Days = Tonaltin = Días de Piedra
- Andréadis, Ianna (1960-….). Illustrateur
- Amado, Elisa. Auteur
- Dávalos, Felipe. Auteur
Résumé de l’éditeur
Based on the Cuauhxicalli or Sun Stone/Eagle Bowl uncovered in 1790 in Tenochtitlán, Mexico, black and white brushstroke artwork of rain, movement, jaguar, eagle, grass, buzzard, dog, deer, lizard, and other objects in nature that comprise the days of the month of the Aztec calendar are accompanied on each facing page by the corresponding word in English, Nahuatl, and Spanish, and followed by a brief explanation in both English and Spanish of how the calendar worked.
Compte rendu
- Heaney, Ellen, “Sun Stone Days=Tonaltin=Dias de Piedra”, CM : Canadian Review of Materials, 2007, vol. XIII, n° 15. Disponible en ligne, url : <>.
Informations pratiques
- Éditeur : Toronto : Groundwood Books : House of Anansi
- Date de parution : 2007
- Description matérielle : 1 vol. (non paginé [48] p. : ill., couv. ill. ; 17 cm
- ISBN 978-0-88899-810-1 (rel.)
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Olivier Jacquot (18 mars 2020). Parution : Sun Ston Days = Tonaltin = Días de Piedra. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse