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Parution : Stories in red and black : pictorial histories of the Aztecs and Mixtecs

Stories in red and black


A recipient of Mexico’s Order of the Aztec Eagle, Elizabeth Hill Boone holds the Martha and Donald Robertson Chair in Latin American Art at Tulane University.

Résumé de l’éditeur

The Aztecs and Mixtecs of ancient Mexico recorded their histories pictorially in images painted on hide, paper, and cloth. The tradition of painting history continued even after the Spanish Conquest, as the Spaniards accepted the pictorial histories as valid records of the past. Five Pre-Columbian and some 150 early colonial painted histories survive today.This copiously illustrated book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the Mexican painted history as an intellectual, documentary, and pictorial genre. Elizabeth Hill Boone explores how the Mexican historians conceptualized and painted their past and introduces the major pictorial records: the Aztec annals and cartographic histories and the Mixtec screenfolds and lienzos.Boone focuses her analysis on the kinds of stories told in the histories and on how the manuscripts work pictorially to encode, organize, and preserve these narratives. This twofold investigation broadens our understanding of how preconquest Mexicans used pictographic history for political and social ends. It also demonstrates how graphic writing systems created a broadly understood visual “language” that communicated effectively across ethnic and linguistic boundaries.

The Aztecs and Mixtecs of ancient Mexico recorded their histories pictorially in images painted on hide, paper, and cloth. The tradition of painting history continued even after the Spanish Conquest, as the Spaniards accepted the pictorial histories as valid records of the past. Five Pre-Columbian and some 150 early colonial painted histories survive today.

This copiously illustrated book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the Mexican painted history as an intellectual, documentary, and pictorial genre. Elizabeth Hill Boone explores how the Mexican historians conceptualized and painted their past and introduces the major pictorial records: the Aztec annals and cartographic histories and the Mixtec screenfolds and lienzos.

Boone focuses her analysis on the kinds of stories told in the histories and on how the manuscripts work pictorially to encode, organize, and preserve these narratives. This twofold investigation broadens our understanding of how preconquest Mexicans used pictographic history for political and social ends. It also demonstrates how graphic writing systems created a broadly understood visual “language” that communicated effectively across ethnic and linguistic boundaries.

Prix et récompenses

  • Arvey Prize / Association for Latin American Art
  • Honorable Mention, George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award / Art Libraries Society of North America
  • ALAA Book Award Best Scholarly Book on Latin American Art / Association for Latin American Art


  • Preface
  • 1. Configuring the Past
  • 2. History and Historians
  • 3. Writing in Images
  • 4. Structures of History
  • 5. Mixtec Genealogical Histories
  • 6. Lienzos and Tiras from Oaxaca and Southern Puebla
  • 7. Stories of Migration, Conquest, and Consolidation in the Central Valleys
  • 8. Aztec Altepetl Annals
  • 9. Histories with a Purpose
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

Informations pratiques

  • Éditeur : Austin : University of Texas press
  • Date de parution : 2000
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XIV-296 p.) : ill. ; 28 cm
  • Note : Bibliogr. p. 267-284
  • ISBN 978-0-292-71989-7 (br.)


  • PARIS-BnF :
    – Tolbiac – Rez-de-jardin – magasin : 2009-565
    – Richelieu – Manuscrits – magasin : 4-IMPR OR-7472
  • PARIS-BSU-Michelet
  • PARIS-Médiathèque MQB

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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (14 avril 2020). Parution : Stories in red and black : pictorial histories of the Aztecs and Mixtecs. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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