Parution : Codex Bodley : a painted chronicle from the Mixtec Highlands, Mexico
Maarten Jansen is professor of Mesoamerican archaeology and history at the University of Leiden.
Gabina Aurora Perez Jimenez is a research assistant and teacher of Mixtec at the University of Leiden.
Résumé de l’éditeur
Codex Bodley has long been recognized as one of the most important ancient Mexican manuscripts, of which less than twenty survive today. The history of the manuscript, its provenance and the circumstances behind its creation are investigated in a comprehensive introduction. The authors place special emphasis on situating the manuscript within the complex Mixtec culture which created it, comparing Codex Bodley with other manuscripts from the same region and offering insights into the politics, calendar, marriage ceremony, and the ancient naming process of the Mixtec people.” “Each of the painted images in Codex Bodley is faithfully reproduced in colour and the stories running through its two parts are described in a page-by-page prose translation. In a unique section on ‘How to Read’ the manuscript, the authors carefully explain the techniques necessary for interpreting the pictograms and provide keys which decode the dating system of the Mixtec calendar and the interesting use of toponyms, or place names. They also describe the complex organization of the manuscript and guide the reader through its intricate and engaging epic narratives.” “Highly illustrated, this is an essential text for all readers with an interest in pre-colonial Mexican history, art, and culture.
Informations pratiques
- Éditeur : Oxford : Bodleian Library
- Date de parution : 2005
- Description matérielle : 1 vol. (95 p.) : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 34 cm
- Collection : (Treasures from the Bodleian Library ; 1)
- Bibliogr. p. 49-52
- Note : Manuscrit pré-hispanique peint en 1521 appartenant au groupe des manuscrits mixtèques
- ISBN 9781851240951 (rel.)
- PARIS-BnF : Richelieu – Manuscrits – magasin : FOL-FAC SIM OR-143
- MADRID-Casa de Velázquez
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Olivier Jacquot (15 avril 2020). Parution : Codex Bodley : a painted chronicle from the Mixtec Highlands, Mexico. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse