Thèse : El tiempo y la sabiduría en Poxoyëm. Un calendario sagrado entre los Ayook de Oaxaca
- Rojas Martínez Gracida, Araceli
- Jansen, M.E.R.G.N. (dir.)
- Grube, N. (dir.)
The specific time-count made up of the combination of 20 signs and 13 numbers (260 days), was one of the essential traits of ancient Mesoamerican civilisations. Interestingly, this calendar system persists in some contemporary communities of Southern Mexico and Guatemala, where “daykeepers”, specialists in traditional healing and divination, still utilize it. The present study comprises a documentation of one of these calendars, among the Ayook people of Oaxaca, Mexico. The aim was to record the sacred count of the days, still managed effectively by women, along with its relationship to other culturally significant symbolism, for instance in the realm of ritual, divination, world vision perceptions, and origin narratives. This work expects to shed light on Mesoamerican calendars research, but also provide a respectful and dignified description of Ayook People’s heritage.
Informations pratiques
- Leiden : Leinden university, 2012.
- Disponible en ligne, url : <>.
- Doctoral Thesis
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Olivier Jacquot (25 décembre 2020). Thèse : El tiempo y la sabiduría en Poxoyëm. Un calendario sagrado entre los Ayook de Oaxaca. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse