Parution : The Sources and authenticity of the history of the ancient Mexicans
- Radin, Paul (1883-1959). Auteur
- Part I. Introduction 3
- Part II. Nature and critique of the primary sources 9
- Primary codex sources for the migration period 10
- 1. The Codex Boturini 11
- 2. The Mapa de Siguenza 12
- 3. The Codex Aubin 13
- 4. The Atlas of Duran and the Codex Ramirez 14
- Primary codex sources for the post-migration period 15
- A. Manuscripts covering special periods 16
- 5. The Codex Cozcatzin 16
- 6. The Mapa de Tepechpan 17
- 7. The Codex en Croix 17
- 8. The Codex Xolotl 17
- 9. The Mapa Tlotzin 18
- 10. The Mapa Quinatzin 19
- B. Manuscripts covering the entire period of Mexican history 19
- 11. The Histoire Mexicaine 19
- 12. The Atlas of Duran 20
- 13. The Atlas of the Codex Ramirez 24
- 14. The Codex Mendoza 25
- 15. The Codex Telleriano-Remensis 26
- 16. The Codex Vaticanus A 26
- 17. The Codex Aubin 26
- A. Manuscripts covering special periods 16
- Primary sources preserved in commentaries only 27
- 18. Historia de los Mexicanos por sus Pinturas 27
- Secondary sources 28
- 19. The Codex Ramirez 29
- 20. The Anales of Cuauhtitlan 30
- 21. The Anales of Chimalpahin 31
- Concluding remarks 32
- Part III. Translation of certain original sources 33
- Codex Boturini 33
- Mapa Toltzin 35
- Mapa Quinatzin 38
- Résumé of the Codex Xolotl 41
- Codex Telleriano-Remensis, Part IV 45
- Codex Mendoza, Part II 50
- Historia de los Mexicanos por sus Pinturas 57
- Codex Ramirez 67
- The Anales of Chimalpahin (Selections) 123
- The Reign of Tezozomoctli 130
- Part IV. Outlines of the history of the ancient Mexicans 132
- Plate 1. Codex Boturini 1
- Plate 2. Codex Boturini 2
- Plate 3. Codex Boturini 3
- Plate 4. Codex Boturini 4
- Plate 5. Codex Boturini 5
- Plate 6. Codex Boturini 6
- Plate 7. Codex Boturini 7
- Plate 8. Codex Boturini 8
- Plate 9. Codex Boturini 9
- Plate 10. Codex Boturini 10
- Plate 11. Codex Boturini 11
- Plate 12. Mapa de Siguenza
- Plate 13. Mapa Tlotzin 1
- Plate 14. Mapa Tlotzin 2
- Plate 15. Mapa Tlotzin 3
- Plate 16. Mapa Quinatzin 1
- Plate 17. Mapa Quinatzin 2
Informations pratiques
- Éditeur : Berkeley : University of California Press
- Date de parution : [1920]
- Description matérielle : 1 vol. (150-17 p. de pl.) : ill. ; 28 cm
- Notes : Tiré à part de : University of California publications in American archaeology and ethnology, 1920, vol. 17, n° 1
- Notes bibliogr.
- PARIS-BnF : Tolbiac – Rez-de-jardin – magasin : 4-PD-1025 (17)
- PARIS-Médiathèque MQB
- PARIS-Museum Hist.Naturelle
- TOULOUSE1-BU Arsenal
- Disponible en ligne, url : <>.
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