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Parution : Caciques and their people : a volume in honor of Ronald Spores

Caciques and their people : a volume in honor of Ronald Spores
Caciques and their people : a volume in honor of Ronald Spores


Résumé de l’éditeur

A volume of essays by Mesoamerican scholars on topics ranging from Zapotec archaeology to Cuicatec irrigation, Mixtec codices to Aztec ethnohistory. Authors use direct historical approach, the comparative method, or develop models that contribute to ethnological and archaeological theory. Contributors: J. Chance, G. Feinman, K.V. Flannery, F. Hicks, R. Hunt, M. Lind, J. Marcus, J. Monaghan, J. Paddock, E. Redmond, M. Romero Frizzi, M.E. Smith, C. Spencer, and J. Zeitlin.

Compte rendu

  • Whitecotton, Joseph, “Caciques and Their People: A Volume in Honor of Ronald Spores. JOYCE MARCUS AND JUDITH FRANCIS ZEITLAN, editors. Anthropological Papers No. 89. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1994. xi + 300 pp., 37 figures, 17 tables, references. $26.00 (paper)”, Latin American Antiquity, 1997, September, vol. 8, n° 3, p. 284. DOI :
  • Oyuela-Caycedo, Augusto, “Caciques and Their People: A Volume in Honor of Ronald Spores”, Hispanic American Historical Review, 1 November 1996, vol. 76, n° 4, p. 766-767. DOI :

Informations pratiques

  • Éditeur : Ann Arbor (Mich.) : University of Michigan
  • Date de parution : 1994
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XI-300 p.) ; 23 cm
  • Collection : (Anthropological papers / Museum of anthropology, University of Michigan ; 89)
  • Notes bibliogr.
  • ISBN 0-915703-37-8 (br.) : 26 $


  • PARIS-BnF : Tolbiac – Rez-de-jardin – magasin : 2001-113333
  • PARIS-Médiathèque MQB
  • PARIS-BIS, Fonds général

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Olivier Jacquot (23 mars 2020). Parution : Caciques and their people : a volume in honor of Ronald Spores. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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