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Article : Cruz-Badiano Codex and the Importance of the Mexican Medicinal Plants


  • Chavarría, Allan
  • Espinosa, Guillermo C.


The plants have been used by human beings since thousands years ago as natural curative products. Ancestral populations from China, Egypt, India, and México, among others, were cultures that found the curative effects of different plants. A very invaluable document is the Cruz-Badiano codex. This codex was written in 1552 as a present to the King of Spain, the codex deals with herbolary and traditional Mexican medicinal plants. The main goal of this work is to show the importance of the Cruz-Badiano codex which is based on the native and traditional medicinal Mexican plants used to cure in the ancient times. A brief historical overview of the Cruz-Badiano codex, his origin and the round trip between México-Spain-México is described. Some of the beautiful handmade illustrations of Mexican medicinal plants are shown. And a brief review of plants that have been subject of pharmacological studies is given.

Références bibliographiques

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (5 novembre 2021). Article : Cruz-Badiano Codex and the Importance of the Mexican Medicinal Plants. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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