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Parution : Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource: Transmission, Reception, and Interaction of Knowledge between the Americas and Europe, 1492-1800 = El conocimiento indígena como recurso: Transmisión, recepción e interacción del conocimiento entre América y Europa, 1492–1800

Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource
Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource


  • Dierksmeier, Laura
  • Fechner, Fabian
  • Takeda, Kazuhisa

Résumé de l’éditeur

Since antiquity, knowledge has often been juxtaposed with opinion. Whereas opinion commonly refers to subjective perceptions and viewpoints, knowledge is typically intended to represent objective and verifiable propositions. On this view, knowledge per se claims a universal dimension in that it pretends to be approvable through the reason of everyone, everywhere. This universal aspect of the concept of knowledge stands in marked contrast to cultures of local knowledge, where the generation of knowledge is dependent on specific times and places. These divergent aspects came into conflict when Indigenous knowledge was contested by Europeans and likewise, Indigenous challenges to European knowledge occurred. Based on religious, linguistic, demographic, and cultural disparities, knowledge operative in one context was adapted, manipulated, reframed, or dismissed as spurious or heretical in another framework. This book focuses on historical examples of Indigenous knowledge from 1492 until circa 1800, with contributions from the fields of history, art history, geography, anthropology, and archaeology. Among the wide range of sources employed are Indigenous letters, last wills, missionary sermons, bilingual catechisms, archive inventories, natural histories, census records, maps, herbal catalogues of remedies, pottery, and stone carvings. These sources originate from Brazil, the Río de la Plata basin (parts of current-day Argentina, lowland Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay), the Andean region, New Spain (current-day Mexico), the Canary Islands, and Europe. The 14 chapters in this book are clustered into five main sections: (1) Medical Knowledge; (2) Languages, Texts, and Terminology; (3) Cartography and Geographical Knowledge; (4) Material and Visual Culture; and (5) Missionary Perceptions.


  • Acknowledgements . . . 7
  • Information about the Editors . . . 8
  • Glossary of Terms . . . 9
  • Introduction
    • Laura Dierksmeier and Fabian Fechner, Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource: Transmission, Reception, and Interaction of Knowledge between the Americas and Europe, 1492–1800. Truthmakers and Contexts of Indigenous Knowledge Transmission . . . 15
    • Laura Dierksmeier y Fabian Fechner, El conocimiento indígena como recurso: Transmisión, recepción e interacción del conocimiento entre América y Europa, 1492–1800. Los creadores de la verdad y contextos de transmisión de conocimiento indígena . . . 27
  • I. Medical Knowledge
    • Harald Thun, El saber médico de los guaraníes y la medicina de los jesuitas. Transmisiones y transformaciones . . . 41
    • Miriam Lay Brander, On Indio Priests, Muslim Physicians and Konkani Servants. The Reception of Indigenous Medical Knowledge in Early Modern Seville and Goa . . . 75
  • II. Language, Texts, and Terminology
    • Rosa H. Yáñez Rosales, Traces of Spoken Nahuatl in Colonial Texts from the Obispado and Audiencia de Guadalajara . . . 97
    • Yukitaka Inoue Okubo, The Notion of Authorship in Selected Indigenous Chronicles of New Spain . . . 111
    • Richard Herzog, Conferring a Universal Scope to Nahua Political Concepts. An Aim in the Works of Domingo Chimalpahin (Early 17th Century) . . . 125
  • III. Cartography and Geographical Knowledge
    • Kazuhisa Takeda, Indigenous Knowledge of Land Use and Storage Practices of Historical Documents in the Jesuit-Guaraní Missions of Colonial South America. A Comparative Analysis of Maps and Census Records . . . 147
    • María Laura Salinas, Entre guaraníes, caciques y frailes. El cabildo de indios del pueblo de Itatí, Río de la Plata, a fines del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX . . . 167
    • Irina Saladin, Authenticating Local Information. Indigenous Informants at the Amazon and the Spanish/Portuguese Boundary Commission in 1782 . . . 187
  • IV. Material and Visual Culture
    • Anna Boroffka, Painting a Universal History of the Aztec World. Translation and Transformation of Indigenous Knowledge in the Illuminations of the ‘Florentine Codex’ . . . 207
    • Christine D. Beaule, Qeros and the Conservation of Indigeneity in the Spanish Colonial Andes . . . 235
    • A. José Farrujia de la Rosa, Indigenous Knowledge in the Canary Islands ? A Case Study at the Margins of Europe and Africa . . . 247
  • V. Missionary Perceptions
    • Corinna Gramatke, Materialidad y traspaso de saberes. Fuentes y empirismo en el “Paraguay natural ilustrado” de José Sánchez Labrador (1717–1798) . . . 265
    • Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero, Concesiones, transformaciones y rechazos del conocimiento indígena en los sermones de Fernando de Avendaño (Perú, siglo XVII) . . . 281
    • Susanne Spieker, Knowledge about Children, Education, and Upbringing in Bernardino de Sahagún’s Florentine Codex . . . 293

Informations pratiques

  • Editeur : Tübingen : Tübingen University Press
  • Date de parution : 2021
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (310 p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul.
  • Collection : (RessourcenKulturen ; 14).
  • ISBN 978-3-947251-43-8 (impr.). – ISBN 978-3-947251-44-5 (PDF)


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (17 septembre 2021). Parution : Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource: Transmission, Reception, and Interaction of Knowledge between the Americas and Europe, 1492-1800 = El conocimiento indígena como recurso: Transmisión, recepción e interacción del conocimiento entre América y Europa, 1492–1800. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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