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Parution : The Aztec image in Western thought

The Aztec image in Western thought
The Aztec image in Western thought


  • Keen, Benjamin (1913-….). Auteur

Résumé de l’éditeur

The great inquiry into the nature of Aztec civilization began at the very moment of its destruction in the name of the Spanish Crown and Church. The overwhelming discovery of a vast, luxurious overseas empire offering fresh evidence of the enormous diversity of customs and opinions among the nations of the earth expanded the imaginative as well as the geographic horizons of Renaissance Europe. In The Aztec Image, Benjamin Keen explores the shifting attitudes and focus of the scores of historians, philosophers, scientists, and men of letters and the arts who dealt with the Aztec theme in the four and a half centuries after the conquest of Mexico. From that time to the present, the world of the ancient Aztecs has been a subject of compelling interest and controversy in the West.

Keen explains how each new view continuously corrected and developed, the Western conception of Aztec civilization. He relates prevailing ideas about the Aztecs to the broad socioeconomic, political, and ideological patterns of the age, as well as to the contemporary state of knowledge about ancient Mexico. A comprehensive work of historiography, Keen’s book is the first to encompass the sweep of Western thought on the Aztecs from Cortes to the present.


  • Foreword xiii
  • 1 The People of the Sun 3
  • 2 The Aztec World View 30
  • 3 Europe Discovers the Aztecs 49
  • 4 The Aztecs and the Great Debate: I 71
  • 5 The Aztecs and the Great Debate: II 105
  • 6 The Aztecs in Late Renaissance Thought 138
  • 7 The Baroque Vision of the Aztecs 173
  • 8 The Eyes of Reason: I 217
  • 9 The Eyes of Reason: II 260
  • 10 The Aztecs Transfigured: I 310
  • 11 The Aztecs Transfigured: II 337
  • 12 Montezuma’s Dinner 380
  • 13 Farewell to Fantasy: From Orozco y Berra to Seler 411
  • 14 The Return of Cuauhtémoc 463
  • 15 The Plumed Serpent 509
  • Notes 562
  • Index 612

Comptes rendus

  • León-Portilla, Miguel, « », The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1973, vol. 53, n° 1, p. 106-109. DOI: Disponible sur Internet (payant), url : <>.

Informations pratiques

  • Éditeur : New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press
  • Date de parution : cop. 1971
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XVIII-667 p.) : ill. ; 25 cm
  • Notes bibliogr. Index
  • Une traduction espagnole est parue à Mexico : Fondo de cultura económica, 1984
  • ISBN 0-8135-0698-0


The Aztec image in Western thought
The Aztec image in Western thought

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Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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