Parution : Aztec ceremonial landscapes
- Carrasco, David (1944-….). Éditeur scientifique
- Fash, William L. Préfacier
Davíd Carrasco is director of the Moses Mesoamerican Archive, professor of history of religions at Harvard University, editor of UPC’s Mesoamerican Worlds series and editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures. His works include Mesoamerica’s Classic Heritage, Moctezuma’s Mexico, Waiting for the Dawn, Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes, Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire (UPC), and City of Sacrifice: The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization (Beacon).
Résumé de l’éditeur
A result of four years of cooperative research between the University of Colorado and the Templo Mayor Project of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes (formerly available as To Change Place) offers new interpretive models from the fields of archaeoastronomy, history of religion, anthropology, art history, and archaeology.
Included are contributions by such noted experts as Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, David Carrasco, Alfredo Lopez Austin, Doris Heyden, Richard F. Townsend, Anthony Aveni, Henry B. Nicholson, Elizabeth Boone, Felipe Solis, and Johanna Broda, with a new introduction by William Fash.
- Notes on the oldest sculpture of El Templo Mayor at Tenochtitlan / Eduardo Matos Moctezuma
- Study of skeletal materials from Tlatelolco / Juan Alberto Roman Berrelleza
- Discovery of a painted mural at Tlatelolco / Salvador Guil’liem Arroyo
- Mt. Tlaloc project / Richard F. Townsend
- Sacrifice of Tezcatlipoca : To change place / David Carrasco
- Mapping the ritual landscape: debt payment to Tlaloc during the month of Atlcahualo / Anthony F. Aveni
- Sacred landscape of Aztec calendar festivals : myth, nature and society / Johanna Broda
- Migration histories as ritual performance / Elizabeth Hill Boone
- Myth of the half-man who descended from the sky / Alfredo Lopez Austin
- Octli cult in late pre-Hispanic Central Mexico / Henry B. Nicholson
- Dryness before the rains: Toxcatl and Tezcatlipoca / Doris Heyden
- Reflection on the miraculous waters of Tenochtitlan / Lawrence E. Sullivan
- Vamos a Rezar a San Marcos: a Tlapanec pilgrimage / Peter van der Loo
- Eating landscape: human sacrifice and sustenance in Aztec Mexico / Philip P. Arnold
- Religious rationalization and the conversions of the Nahuas: social organization and colonial epistemology / J. Jorge Klor de Alva
- Remnants of the Shaman / Jane Stevenson Day
Informations pratiques
- Editeur : Niwot, Colo. : University press of Colorado
- Date de parution : 1999
- Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XXX, 254 p.) : ill. ; 23 cm
- Notes : Réf. bibliogr. Index
- ISBN 0870815091. – ISBN 9780870815096 (rel.)
- PARIS-BnF : 2015-259062
- PARIS-Médiathèque MQB
- Disponible sur Internet (payant), url : <>.
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