Article : Les images olfactives et gustatives du discours poétique des anciens Mexicains
- Sautron-Chompré, Marie (1969-2002)
Plants and animals occupy a prominent place in Prehispanic Nahuatl discourse. Spices, seeds, roots, edible floors and fishes, crustaceans, and all sorts of game, appreciated for their delicious flesh, were prepared in traditional Mexican cooking, and were a part of the diet of ancient Mexico’s inhabitants. They are constantly mentioned in Nahuatl songs. But, we have to admit that they are rarely related to the cooking area; that poets pay little attention to the nourishing and tasty qualifies of these natural products. They consider them mainly as poetic accessories, as metaphorical instruments, thus rejecting their qualities as far as taste and smell are concerned.
Référence bibliographique
- Caravelle, 2003, n° 81, p. 29-47.
- DOI :
- Disponible sur Internet, url : <>.
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Olivier Jacquot (25 février 2023). Article : Les images olfactives et gustatives du discours poétique des anciens Mexicains. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse