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Parution : Archaeoastronomy and the Maya

Archaeoastronomy and the Maya


  • Aldana y Villalobos, Gerardo. Éditeur scientifique
  • Barnhart, Edwin Lawrence. Éditeur scientifique

Résumé de l’éditeur

Archaeoastronomy and the Maya illustrates archaeoastronomical approaches to ancient Mayan cultural production. The book is contextualized through a history of archaeoastronomical investigations into Mayan sites, originating in the 19th century discovery of astronomical tables within hieroglyphic books. Early 20th century archaeological excavations revealed inscriptions carved into stone that also preserved astronomical records, along with architecture that was built to reflect astronomical orientations.
These materials provided the basis of a growing professionalized archaeoastronomy, blossoming in the 1970s and expanding into recent years. The chapters here exemplify the advances made in the field during the early 21st century as well as the on-going diversity of approaches, presenting new perspectives and discoveries in ancient Mayan astronomy that result from recent studies of architectural alignments, codices, epigraphy, iconography, ethnography, and calendrics. More than just investigations of esoteric ancient sciences, studies of ancient Mayan astronomy have profoundly aided our understanding of Mayan worldviews. Concepts of time and space, meanings encoded in religious art, intentions underlying architectural alignments, and even methods of political legitimization are all illuminated through the study of Mayan astronomy.


List of contributors

Foreword: The long and winding road to publication
Edwin Barnhart

Introduction: Towards an archaeoastronomy 2.0?
Gerardo Aldana y V.

1. Cosmic order at chocolá: implications of solar observations of the eastern horizon at Chocolá, Suchitepéquez, Guatemala
Harold H. Green

2. Teotihuacan architectural alignments in the central Maya lowlands?
Ivan Sprajc

3. Astronomical observations from the Temple of the Sun
Alonso Mendez, Carol Karasik, Edwin L. Barnhart, and Christopher Powell

4. An oracular hypothesis: the Dresden Codex Venus Table and the cultural translation of science
Gerardo Aldana y V.

5. Centering the world: zenith and nadir passages at Palenque
Alonso Mendez and Carol Karasik

6. The Venus Almanac in Mesoamerica
Susan Milbrath

7. Glyphs G and F: the cycle of nine, the lunar nodes, and the draconic month
Michael J. Grofe

8. Epilogue: Mayan astronomers at work
Gerardo Aldana y Villalobos

Informations pratiques

  • Oxford ; Philadelphia : Oxbow Books
  • Date de parution : cop. 2014
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (VIII-165 p.) : ill. ; 28 cm
  • Références bibliogr.
  • ISBN 978-1-7829-7643-1 (br.)


  • Absent à la BnF (en 2022)
  • PARIS-Observatoire

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Olivier Jacquot (15 novembre 2022). Parution : Archaeoastronomy and the Maya. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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