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Parution : Bibliotheca mexicana : or a catalogue of the library of rare books and important manuscripts relating to Mexico and other parts of Spanish America, formed by the late señor Don José Fernando Ramirez, president of the late Emperor Maximilian’s First Ministry : comprising fine specimens of the presses of the early mexican typographers, Juan Cromberger, Juan Pablos, Antonío Espinosa, Pedro Ocharte, Pedro Balli, Antonio Ricardo, Melchior Ocharte ; a large number of works, both printed and MS., on the mexican indian languages and dialects ; the civil and ecclesiastical history of Mexico and its provinces ; collections of laws and ordinances relating to the jesuit mission in Texas, California, China, Peru, Chili, Brasil, etc. ; collections of documents ; sermons preached in Mexico, etc., etc. : days of sale : Wednesday, July 7… [to] Tuesday, July 13 [1880] to be sold in auction by Messrs Puttick and Simpson,… at their gallery, n° 47, Leicester square, London…,

Bibliotheca mexicana


  • Puttick and Simpson

Informations pratiques

  • Éditeur : London : [s.n.]
  • Date de parution : 1880 (G. Norman and Son, printers)
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (IV, 165 p.) ; 26 cm
  • Note : 1290 entrées
  • Titre de forme :
    • Vente. Livres. 1880-07-07-09, 12-13. Londres, Gallery Puttick and Simpson
    • Vente. Manuscrits. 1880-07-07-09, 12-13. Londres, Gallery Puttick and Simpson
    • Collection. Livres. Ramírez, José Fernando (1804-1871)
    • Collection. Manuscrits. Ramírez, José Fernando (1804-1871)


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (19 octobre 2024). Parution : Bibliotheca mexicana : or a catalogue of the library of rare books and important manuscripts relating to Mexico and other parts of Spanish America, formed by the late señor Don José Fernando Ramirez, president of the late Emperor Maximilian’s First Ministry : comprising fine specimens of the presses of the early mexican typographers, Juan Cromberger, Juan Pablos, Antonío Espinosa, Pedro Ocharte, Pedro Balli, Antonio Ricardo, Melchior Ocharte ; a large number of works, both printed and MS., on the mexican indian languages and dialects ; the civil and ecclesiastical history of Mexico and its provinces ; collections of laws and ordinances relating to the jesuit mission in Texas, California, China, Peru, Chili, Brasil, etc. ; collections of documents ; sermons preached in Mexico, etc., etc. : days of sale : Wednesday, July 7… [to] Tuesday, July 13 [1880] to be sold in auction by Messrs Puttick and Simpson,… at their gallery, n° 47, Leicester square, London…, Amoxcalli. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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