Chapitre : Codex Painting Practices and Scribal Interactions in Postclassic Mesoamerica : a view from color’s materiality in the Madrid Codex
- Domenici, Davide
The non-invasive chemical analyses performed on the Madrid Codex by the MOLAB mobile laboratory provided new data that are useful to rethink issues such as codex painting practices and scribal interactions in Postclassic Mesoamerica, both of them topics that Alfonso Lacadena tackled in his too short a career. The chemical characterization of the painting materials employed in the manuscript allows a deeper understanding of the work of the various scribes who painted the Madrid Codex, as well as of different aspects of the intellectual and technological interactions that they had with Highland Mexican scribes.
Références bibliographiques
- dans : Kettunen, Harri (éd.) ; Amellali Vázquez López, Verónica (éd.) ; Lorenzo, Vidal (éd.) ; Muñoz Cosme, Gaspar (éd.) ; Iglesias Ponce de León, María Josefa (éd.) ; Kupprat, Felix (éd.), Tiempo detenido, tiempo suficiente: ensayos y narraciones mesoamericanistas en homenaje a Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo, Couvin : WAYEB, 2018, p. 865-889.
- Disponible sur Internet, url : <> et <>.
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Olivier Jacquot (30 juin 2023). Chapitre : Codex Painting Practices and Scribal Interactions in Postclassic Mesoamerica : a view from color’s materiality in the Madrid Codex. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse