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Chapitre : Ornate and Inhabited Initial Letters Used in Sixteenth-Century Mexican Printing


  • Rodríguez Domínguez, Guadalupe


This work focuses on the material analysis of Mexican editions published in Sixteenth-Century. It is centered on the engraved initials. The materials examined belong to three significant Printing Houses which worked in Mexico from 1539 to 1600: Juan Pablos, Pedro Ocharte, Pedro Balli and Antonio Ricardo. The analysis shows two basic levels of information: one synchronic and the other diachronic. In the synchronic one, we can reconstruct the compilations of engraved initials and types, in other words, the letters of the alphabet, at least the ones used in the editions published by those printing houses, their size, design, typology, etc. The diachronic level, on the other hand, offers data regarding the use of such materials as, for example, the first time in which an engraved initial was present in a printed document, the number of editions in which it appeared, its wear through time, the reworkings it had, and how it was used by several printing houses. The comparison of the engraved initials series used by the printers offers information about the material stocks that each printing house had, and the evidence of the same engraved initials in different editions demonstrates the collaboration between Mexican Printing Houses.

Références bibliographiques

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (26 octobre 2023). Chapitre : Ornate and Inhabited Initial Letters Used in Sixteenth-Century Mexican Printing. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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