Introduction to the History of the Book and Editing in Mexico

The Centre for Mexican Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico un the United Kingdom, UNAM-UK, and the Interdisciplinary Bibliology Seminar of the Institute for Bibliographic Research have organised a second series of talks, following last year’s successful cycle. On this occasion the focus will be on the history of the book and editing in Mexico.
The content of the talks will include various topics and relevant discussions around four main groups corresponding to each one of the periods in which History of the Book Studies have customarily been classified in Mexico: the Pre-Hispanic and contact period; the New Spain period, the 19th century; and the 20th and 21st centuries.
One of the objectives of this cycle is to showcase the longstanding history of the book in Mexico — the first printing press in the American Continent was established in the 1520s in present day Mexico City — from interdisciplinary perspectives, emphasizing Mexican books in British collections. This will highlight the rich bibliographic heritage of Mexico, both within the country and beyond, while disseminating the work of Mexican researchers which is unfairly little known in Britain.
Pre-Hispanic and Contact Period
23 May
Art and production of Mesoamerican manuscripts
Dra. Saeko Yanagisawa. Member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM, since November 2015. PhD student at UNAM’s Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and the-Institute of Aesthetic Research. Her lines of research revolve around the manuscripts of the Mesoamerican pictographic tradition, focusing on stylistic and manufacturing analyses, as well as on the writing system.
25 May
A Nahua codex divided into three collections: the British Museum, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the National Library of Mexico
Dr. Tesiu Rosas Postdoctoral fellow, SIB-IIB-IIB-UNAM. Member SIB-IIB-UNAM, since 2020. Research focus: New Spain manuscripts in indigenous languages
30 May
Books and printing in Mexico in the 16th century
Dra. Marina Garone Gravier SIB-IIB-UNAM. Founder of the SIB-IIB-UNAM in 2012. Her research focuses on the history of the book in Latin America, publishing, typography and visual culture; print culture in indigenous languages, and the relationship between design and gender.
New Spain Period
1 June
Editorial genres, reading and female agency in Mexican colonial editions
Dra. Elizabeth Treviño SIB-IIB-UNAM. PhD in Spanish Philology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is a researcher at UNAM’s Institute for Bibliographic Research, where she carries out a project about the history of New Spain poetry publishing. Among her lines of research are the history of the book and reading, as well as the theatre of the Golden Age and the sources and forms of the baroque novella.
6 June
Dissemination of knowledge, books and libraries in New Spain
Dr. Mauricio Sánchez Menchero Member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM since 2014. CEIICH-UNAM y SIB-IIB-UNAM. From the perspective of cultural history, his research focuses on the circulation of knowledge (or ignorance) in various documents, both written and illustrated, from which he seeks to reconstruct discourses, practices and scientific representations over an extended period of time.
8 June
The printed image in New Spain
Dra. Erika González. Independent researcher and member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM. Research lines: The Congregation of San Felipe Neri in New Spain, Oratory, visual and written culture. Lauretan manifestations in New Spain holiness and devotions in New Spain. Religious images in print culture.
The 19th Century
13 June
Publishing, literature and politics in Mexico City in the 19th century
Dr. Francisco Mercado SIB-IIB-UNAM His lines of research consist of the Mexican biblio-hemerography of the 19th century, in relation to the national literature of the time, as well as the chronicle genre, a hybrid that belongs to the incipient turn-of-the-century urban space. He is a Member of the Bibliology seminar since October 2018.
15 June
Edition, religion and politics in Mexico: the cases of Monterrey and Aguascalientes
Dr. Felipe Bárcenas. Secretary of the SIB-IIB-UNAM. PhD student in the Humanities programme at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa (UAM-I) Line of research: History of publishing in the northeast of Mexico during the 19th century, Censorship and forbidden books. Member of SIB-IIB-UNAM 2014-2016, and 2017 to the present..
Dra. Calíope Martínez From the University of Aguascalientes, she is a member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM since 2022. Cultural Institute of Aguascalientes and Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. She focuses her research on the history of printing, publishing, printers / publishers, history of the book, 19th and 20th centuries in Aguascalientes and the Mexican West.
20 June
Popular Mexican prints
Dr. Víctor Manuel Bañuelos Aquino. Member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM since 2021. M.A. in History. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in Ibero-American History at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. As an independient researcher he focuses on the history of religions, comparative mythologies, religious folklore, broadsheets and popular prints.
The 20th Century
22 June
Literature and publishing in Mexico (first half of the 20th century)
Dra. Freja Cervantes UAM-I and Member of SIB-IIB-UNAM since 2015. Professor and researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa, College of Hispanic Letters, Integral Area of Editorial Production. Her interests, themes and research include editorial policy, intellectual networks and cultural history, the materiality of literature, history of the book and literary publishing in Mexico and Latin America in the 20th century.
27 June
Edition and politics in Mexico in the 20th century
Mtro. Ángel Chávez Mancilla. National School of Anthropology and History and member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM since 2021. He focuses on left-wing editorials in communists circles in Mexico, in the second half of the 20th century, and leftist magazines in the context of the Cold War.
29 June
Emerging editorial projects in Mexico (second half of the 20th century)
Dra. Jenny Guerra. IIBI y SIB-IIB-UNAM. Researcher at the Library and Information Research Institute (IIBI) UNAM. Her lines of research are the publishing industry and digital content with special emphasis on the evolution of magazines and scientific books as digital information resources and services.
Mtra. Zazhila Cruz UAEM and member of the SIB-IIB-UNAM since 2018. Full-time Professor, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. PhD Student in Arts and Design, FAD-UNAM. Her interests, work and lines of research revolve around editorial design and production. Her doctoral research deals with letterpress printing in Mexico in the 21st century, with which she intends to promote and enrich the practice of this ancient technique of graphic reproduction.
When and where
- Every Tuesday and Thursday starting the 23th of May
- Date and time : Starts on Tue, 23 May 2023 17:00 CEST
- Location : Online
- Register on Eventbrite
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Olivier Jacquot (16 mai 2023). Introduction to the History of the Book and Editing in Mexico. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse