Parution : Tongues of fire : language and evangelization in Colonial Mexico
- Farriss, Nancy Marguerite (1938-….)
Résumé de l’éditeur
Language and translation governed the creation of Mexican Christianity during the first centuries of colonial rule. Spanish missionaries collaborated with indigenous intellectuals to communicate the gospel in dozens of local languages that had previously lacked grammars, dictionaries, or alphabetic script. The major challenge to translators, more serious than the absence of written aids or the great diversity of languages and their phonetic and syntactical complexity, was the vast cultural difference between the two worlds. The lexical gaps that frustrated the search for equivalence in conveying fundamental Christian doctrines derived from cultural gaps that separated European experiences and concepts from those of the Indians. This study focuses on the Otomangue languages of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, especially Zapotec, and relates their role in the Dominican evangelizing program to the larger frame of culture contact in postconquest Mesoamerica. Fine-grained analysis of translated texts is used to reveal the rhetorical strategies of missionary discourse and combines with an examination of language contact in different social contexts. A major aim is to spotlight the role of the native elites in shaping what emerged as a new form of Christianity. As translators, chief catechists, and parish administrators they made evangelization in many respects an indigenous enterprise and the Mexican church it created an indigenous church.
Comptes rendus
- John Charles, « Tongues of fire: language and evangelization in colonial Mexico by Nancy Farriss. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, 432 pp. (ISBN 9780190884109) », Colonial Latin American Review, 2019, vol. 28, n° 2, p. 292-294. DOI :
- Nesvig, Martin, « Review of Tongues of Fire: Language and Evangelization in Colonial Mexico, by Nancy Farriss », The Americas, 2020, vol. 77, n° 2, p. 313-315. Disponible sur Internet (payant), url : <>.
Informations pratiques
- Éditeur : New York (N.Y.) : Oxford University Press
- Date de parution : copyright 2018
- Description matérielle : 1 vol. (XXI-409 p.) : ill., carte, jaquette ill. ; 25 cm
- Note : Glossaire. Notes bibliogr.. Bibliogr. p. 369-394. Index
- Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 978-0-19-088410-9 (rel.)
- DOI :
- PARIS-BnF : 2019-63060
- MADRID-Casa de Velázquez
- PARIS-BIS, Fonds général
- PARIS-Médiathèque MQB
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