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Parution : Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES IV) : desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860

Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES IV) : desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860


  • Esparza Torres, Miguel Ángel
  • Niederehe, Hans-Josef (1937-….)
  • Álvarez Fernández, Adrián (19..-….). Collaborateur
  • Battaner Moro, Elena (19..-….). Collaborateur
  • Calvo Fernández, Vicente. Collaborateur
  • Haouet, Lamia. Collaborateur
  • Rodríguez Barcia, Susana (1977-….). Collaborateur

Résumé de l’éditeur

Since the publication of the still very valuable Biblioteca histórica de la filología by Cipriano Muñoz y Manzano, conde de la Viñaza (Madrid, 1893), our knowledge of the history of the study of the Spanish language has grown considerably. It has been the purpose of BICRES I (from the early beginnings to 1600), published in 1994, to bring together already available bibliographical information with the more recent research findings, scattered in many places, books and articles. BICRES II (covering the 1601–1700 period) followed in 1999 and BICRES III (including period 1701-1800) was published in 2005.
Now, the fourth volume, arranged according to the same principles as those guiding the preceding volumes and covering the years from 1801 to 1860, has become available.
Years of research in the major libraries of Spain and other European countries have gone into this new bibliography and relative sources of the Americas have also been covered, in order to offer ― in an as exhaustive as possible fashion ― a description of all Spanish grammars and dictionaries, histories of the Spanish language as well as studies devoted to particular facets of its evolution during the years 1801-1860.
BICRES IV brings together in chronological order more than 3,279 titles. Access to the bibliographical information is facilitated by several detailed indexes, such as a short title index, a listing of printers, publishers and places of production, and an author index.

Informations pratiques

  • Éditeur : Amsterdam ; Philadelphia (Pa) : J. Benjamins
  • Date de parution : cop. 2012
  • Description matérielle : 1 vol. (696 p.) ; 25 cm
  • Collection : (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series 3, Studies in the history of the language sciences ; 118).
  • Note : Bibliogr. p. 449-479
  • Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 978-90-272-4609-7 (rel.)
  • Sujets :
    • Espagnol (langue) — 19e siècle — Grammaire
    • Espagnol (langue) — 19e siècle — Lexicographie
    • Linguistique — Espagne


  • PARIS-BIS, Fonds général
  • POITIERS-BU Lettres
  • STRASBOURG-Langues
  • TOURS-BU Lettres
Parution : Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES IV) : desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (19 juillet 2024). Parution : Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES IV) : desde el año 1801 hasta el año 1860. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 25 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Jacquot

Chargé de collections : manuscrits des fonds américains, Service des manuscrits ORientaux (SOR), département des Manuscrits (MSS), Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

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