Parution : Codex Peresianus : (Codex Paris) Bibliothèque nationale Paris
- Anders, Ferdinand (1930-….). Éditeur scientifique
Résumé de l’éditeur
From the three preserved Mayan manuscripts, the Codex Peresianus (the name being derived from a note on a piece of paper that has since been lost), is of the poorest quality. Around the borders the lime overlay is peeled off, so that a detailed analysis is only possible of the picture and figures remaining in the center of the page. However, despite its poor condition of preservation, this codex ranks among the most important pre-Spanish sources from Central America due to the extremely precise design of the hieroglyphics and fascinating content found within.
On the 22 pages (11 leaves) of the remaining fragments, the characteristic writing culture of the Maya comes to life through the combinationation of symbol characters and symbol pictograms which are rooted in the magical religious world view of the Mayans and contain strong astronomical and ritual connections.
Due to the poor degree of preservation, the original manuscript in Paris is in accessible to view with the exception of only 2 pages and therefore the cost of expenditure in the making of the facsimile is more than worthwhile and has made the entire work accessible for all to view as well as study.
Informations pratiques
- Éditeur : Graz : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt
- Date de parution : 1968
- Description matérielle : 2 vol. (24 f., 41 p.) : ill. en noir et en coul. ; 29 cm.
- Collection : (Codices selecti phototypice impressi ; 9)
- Comprend : [1] [Faksimile]; [2] [Kommentarband]
- Note : Fac-simile du Ms. mexicain 386 de la Bibliothèque nationale de Paris, accompagné d’un volume de commentaire, sous emboîtage. – Commentaire en allemand, avec résumé en anglais
– Richelieu – Manuscrits – magasin : 4-FAC SIM OR-119 (1) < Vol. 1 >
– Richelieu – Manuscrits – magasin : 4-FAC SIM OR-119 (2) < Vol. 2 > - AUBERVILLIERS-Campus Condorcet
- PARIS-Bib. Sainte Geneviève
- PARIS-Museum Hist.Naturelle
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Jacquot (4 février 2020). Parution : Codex Peresianus : (Codex Paris) Bibliothèque nationale Paris. Amoxcalli. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse