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Étiqueté : Céramique maya


Article : Vessels for Ceremony: The Pictography of Codex-Style Mixteca-Puebla Vessels from Central and South Mexico

Créateur Hernández Sánchez, Gilda Résumé An excellent illustration of the strong intertwinement of the art, image, text, and ritual characteristics of the ancient Americas is the codex-style pottery of the Mixteca-Puebla style. These ceramics, together with painted books and murals,...


Article : Codex-style Ceramics: new data concerning patterns of production and distribution

Créateurs Reents-Budet, Dorie Boucher Le Landais, Sylviane Palomo Carrillo, Yoly Bishop, Ronald L. Blackman, M. James Références bibliographiques Presented at the XXIV Symposium of Archaeological Investigations in Guatemala (July 19-24, 2010), Guatemala City, Museo Nacional de Arqueología E Etnología Disponible...