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Étiqueté : Mythologie maya

Parution : Art and myth of the ancient Maya

Créateur Chinchilla Mazariegos, Oswaldo (1965-….) Résumé de l’éditeur This nuanced account explores Maya mythology through the lens of art, text, and culture. It offers an important reexamination of the mid-16th-century Popol Vuh, long considered an authoritative text, which is better...

Parution : Códice Madrid : Tro-Cortesiano

Créateur Escalante Herná́ndez, Roberto Informations pratiques Éditeur : Puebla : Centro de Investigaciones Historicas y Culturales ; Museo Amparo Date de parution : 1992 Description matérielle : 1 vol. (83 p.) : ill. ; 21 cm Bibliogr. p. 79-89 ISBN...

Parution : Re-Creating Primordial Time : Foundation Rituals and Mythology in the Postclassic Maya Codices

Créateur Vail, Gabrielle Hernández, Christine Résumé de l’éditeur Re-Creating Primordial Time offers a new perspective on the Maya codices, documenting the extensive use of creation mythology and foundational rituals in the hieroglyphic texts and iconography of these important manuscripts. Focusing on...