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Étiqueté : Religion maya

Parution : Art and myth of the ancient Maya

Créateur Chinchilla Mazariegos, Oswaldo (1965-….) Résumé de l’éditeur This nuanced account explores Maya mythology through the lens of art, text, and culture. It offers an important reexamination of the mid-16th-century Popol Vuh, long considered an authoritative text, which is better...

Parution : Papers on the Codex Madrid

Créateur Bricker, Victoria Reifler (1940-….). Éditeur scientifique Vail, Gabrielle. Éditeur scientifique Résumé de l’éditeur A commentary on the calendrical structure, iconography, and epigraphy of a continuous sequence of almanacs in the longest of the four remaining Maya codices. Sommaire 1....

Parution : Maya worldviews at conquest

Créateur Cecil, Leslie G. Éditeur scientifique Pugh, Timothy W. Éditeur scientifique Leslie G. Cecil is an assistant professor of anthropology in the Department of Sociology at Stephen F. Austin State University, where her research has focused on the Postclassic Mayas’...